Can You File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Phoenix Even if You Aren’t Hurt?

A car accident in Phoenix can cause substantial damages and losses for accident victims. They might sustain severe physical injuries, debilitating emotional distress, and significant financial losses.  However, what happens when you don’t sustain physical injuries in a car accident? Can you still sue for a car accident when you were not hurt? Suing After […]

Right-of-Way Laws in Arizona

If you consider the daily traffic in busy population centers like Phoenix, you might be surprised to learn that only about 11,000 crashes resulting in injuries happen within the city, according to 2021 data. That said, according to statistics, the overall number of accidents in Phoenix that year was over 40,000. What keeps Arizona highways […]

3 Elements of Standing To Sue in Phoenix

Standing to sue is a legal term referring to an individual’s right or ability, recognized by law, to start a lawsuit. The law does not allow everyone with complaints or disagreements about others’ behavior to be eligible parties for lawsuits. A direct impact must be present on the complaining party to have legitimate grounds for […]

How Long Do I Have To File a Car Accident Claim in Albuquerque, NM?

There are two types of deadlines you need to concern yourself with after a car accident in Albuquerque: legal deadlines and practical deadlines. The sooner you begin pursuing your car accident claim, the better your chances of winning. Don’t wait until it is too late. Legal Deadlines: How Long After an Accident Can You File […]

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Phoenix, Arizona?

Being involved in a car crash, even a small one, can be a scary and costly experience. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand what steps to take and how to protect yourself following a crash-even a “minor” one.  Arizona Car Accident Statistics  According to statistics, in Arizona in 2021, there were 121,345 total crashes, leaving 51,633 people […]

How to Find Out if Someone Has Car Insurance in Albuquerque, NM

As in most states, drivers on New Mexico roads must procure insurance that covers specific minimum amounts of bodily injury and property damage. After an accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company will typically be required to pay the appropriate damages the victim suffered.  That is why it’s important for drivers to exchange insurance information at […]

Is It Possible To Get Out of Jury Duty in Phoenix, AZ?

Very few people enjoy receiving a summons for jury duty in Phoenix, AZ. However, most people will be called to jury duty at least once in their life. Under Arizona law, all individuals over the age of 18 years must serve on a jury unless: Therefore, if you want to get out of jury duty […]

What Is the Difference Between a Lawyer and an Attorney?

Do you often find yourself using the terms “attorney” and “lawyer” interchangeably and wonder if there is any clear distinction between the two? You’re definitely not alone. Many people believe the two titles represent the same profession, but there are some subtle differences. Understanding the difference between a lawyer and an attorney can help clarify […]

9 Things You Should Know About a Free Personal Injury Lawyer Consultation in Phoenix

The lawyer you pick for your personal injury case could significantly affect the outcome. A lawyer’s knowledge of relevant laws can give you the strategy to overcome a claims adjuster’s denial. And an attorney’s litigation experience can persuade a jury to award you damages in a complex case. You can interview lawyers for your case […]

FAQs: Car Accident Reports in Phoenix, Arizona

One of the most basic yet powerful pieces of evidence following an Arizona car wreck is the accident report. And while there may be thousands of these reports filed each year due to the large number of collisions that occur, you and other drivers may still find them a mystery. Here are some of the […]